Dampers are used in many mechanical products to provide motion resistance and reduce motion energy. Damping will also be applied in our life. What is the cabinet damping and sliding door damper, and what are their functions? Must they be installed?

Cabinet damper
Damping is mostly used on cabinets and doors in furniture hardware. Let's first look at the application of cabinet dampers. The damper of the cabinet mainly uses the damping slide rail, which is generally on the stainless steel cabinet basket. Look at the cabinet shown in the above cabinet design drawing. The main body of the cabinet basket is made of stainless steel. The damper is installed on the sliding track of the cabinet basket. It works in coordination with the buffer gear. When the cabinet is pulled, it plays a role in shock absorption, and the pulling is more smooth. The whole cabinet has a reasonable design of multiple bowls and baskets, which can be used to store different bowls, spoons, chopsticks and other kitchen appliances.

Sliding door damper
The damper on the door is generally used on sliding doors. There are three types of dampers for sliding doors: mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic. When you apply force to the sliding door, the damper acts as a reaction force. When the door is opened, it can automatically close, ensuring that the door will not hit the door frame. In the above room door design drawing, there are two types of doors, sliding door and common sliding door. With the use of damper, the sliding of the door is more convenient. At the same time, the mute function of the damper makes the door open and close without harsh sound. There are many different brands of damper hardware and building materials on the market. You can choose no damper according to your needs.
Post time: Dec-08-2022